Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day 55 - Feb 28th

Self Portrait, with level

I didn't have a very good day today. Which was surprising, considering this is the first full day I've had off of work so far this year. It started out nice enough, but once I got to Kohl's, it started downhill. Not very cooperative people, they are. I left in a pretty sour mood. Other things happened I won't mention, but all in all, not a great day.

I did see one of our local bald eagles. That was cool. I don't have a telephoto lens, though, so it basically photographed like a large bird way up in a tree. Oh well.

This picture reflects my melancholy mood. I want to build. I want it to be warm outside and for me to have several days in a row of just building. This itch, this urge has laid upon me for months and is only growing. I want to build.
Here's another picture I took today. I'm holding one of Kathie Olivas' creations - a nine inch Hazel figure. Kathie is a wonderful artist and person whose father just had a cardiac arrest about a week ago and whose mother saved her husband's life by performing CPR. Everyone should know CPR. I'm about 1000% sure that Kathie, her parents and the rest of her family are certainly glad that her hero mom knew it.

1 comment:

blogzilly said...

Damn dude, you really did capture the melancholy in the pics. Sucks that you had a crappy day off especially considering how precious few there are.